This code is provided for informational purposes only. The formatting of this document varies from the official hard copy of the code. In the case of any discrepancy between this version and the official hard copy, the official hard copy will prevail. This web version of the code may not reflect all of, or the most current, legislation that has been passed.
pdf Code Book Table of Contents (142 KB)
pdf Code Book Complete Compilation (2.44 MB)
Town Budget
2025 Final Budget
(646 KB)
2025 Preliminary Budget
(639 KB)
Notice of Public Hearing on 2025 Preliminary Budget
(33 KB)
2025 Tentative Budget
(613 KB)
2024 Final Budget
(661 KB)
Notice of Public Hearing on 2024 Preliminary Budget
2024 Preliminary Budget
(711 KB)
2024 Tentative Budget
(729 KB)
2023 Final Budget
(631 KB)
Notice of Public Hearing on 2023 Preliminary Budget
(41 KB)
2023 Preliminary Budget
(658 KB)
2023 Tentative Budget
(649 KB)
2022 Final Budget
(976 KB)
2022 Notice of Public Hearing on Preliminary Budget
(53 KB)
2022 Preliminary Budget
(661 KB)
2022 Tentative Budget
(629 KB)
2020 Adopted Budget
(723 KB)
2020 Preliminary Budget
(693 KB)
2020 Notice of Budget Workshop
(11 KB)
2020 Budget 09/22/19
(692 KB)
Find older Budgets in the Town Documents archive.
Other Resources
Information regarding school budgets for school taxes can be found at the following districts located within the Town of New Baltimore
518-966-0571 Ext 520
518-731-1715 or 518-731-1705
www.rcscsd.org518-756-5200 Ext 60011
Tax Collection
Tax Collection hours at Town Hall, 3809 County Rte. 51, Hannacroix, NY 12087
January 1, Through July 31, 2024:
Monday through Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday, January 27 9:00am to 12:00pm
No Holidays
Please bring or send the entire bill for payment. Check mark the Box on the bottom portion of bill to receive your receipt.
*Payments may be made at the National Bank of Coxsackie through July 31, 2023. Both the Ravena Branch and Coxsackie 9W Branch of National Bank of Coxsackie will be accepting Town of New Baltimore Town/County taxes during regular banking hours. (Closed on all Holidays)
Town and County Tax bills can now be found and paid online at https://egov.basgov.com/townofnewbaltimore/. Please note there is a convenience fee of 2.5% for credit cards and debit cards is charged by Value Payment Systems for using this service. The minimum card fee is $3.95. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express credit and debit cards, and eChecks. The fee for eCheck payments is $1.95.
PLEASE NOTE: Any payments made directly to Greene County after the closing of the Town Tax Office (July 31st) will NOT be reflected in this database, https://egov.basgov.com. From August 1 thru December 31st, please call the Greene County Treasurer's office @ (518) 719-3527 for more information.
Failure to Receive a Bill: Collecting officers are required to impose a penalty even if the taxpayer does not receive a tax bill. This Real Property Tax Law section 922 (3) states, "the failure to mail any such statement, or the failure of the addressee to receive the same, shall not in any way affect the validity of taxes or interest prescribed by law."
Dawn DeRose, Sole Assessor
Office Hours: Tuesdays 9:00am - 2:00pm
Sandra Trombley, Assessor Clerk
Office Hours: Wednesdays & Thursdays 9:00am - 1:00pm
General Info
Taxable Status Day: March 1st
Equalization Rate: 41%
Parcels: 2,116
Tentative Roll: May 1st pdf 2024 Tentative Roll (1.67 MB) & pdf 2024 Tentative Roll Certification (28 KB)
Final Roll: July 1st pdf 2024 Final Roll (1.68 MB) & pdf 2024 Final Roll Certification (26 KB)
pdf Understanding the Equalization Rate (93 KB)
New Owners
If New Baltimore is your PRIMARY residence, you may be eligible for certain programs. The Governor and Legislature have restructured the STAR program so that the Tax & Finance Dept. will administer NEW STAR applications, taking that duty from your local assessor. You will need to register with NYS to receive a STAR check. Rather than the STAR exemption being deducted from your school tax bill, you will have to pay your FULL tax bill and then receive the same STAR dollar benefit in the form of a check from the State.
To be eligible for a STAR check, you must register with the NYS Tax Dept. by:
· Registering online at WWW.tax.ny.gov
· Or by calling 518-457-2036
Seniors take note: There is an additional exemption available for Senior Citizens with an income of less than $42,399 (subject to change). This is based on your gross income (full Social Security, pension, interest, dividends, etc. before any tax deductions). Contact my office if you think you may qualify, since NYS does NOT monitor for this exemption. Be aware that March 1st is our filing deadline, every year.
Veterans who own and reside in New Baltimore should contact our office for information regarding the Veteran’s Exemption. (March 1st is the DEADLINE for ALL EXEMPTIONS).
Property Exemptions Info: Click Here Exemption Applications due March 1st
Renewal Applications due March 1st
New Home Owner? Register for the School Tax Relief (STAR) Credit. The STAR program can save homeowners hundreds of dollars each year. You only need to register once, and the Tax Department will send you a STAR credit check each year, as long as you’re eligible.https://www.tax.ny.gov/pit/property/star/
Regester online at https://www.tax.ny.gov/star/ or if you do not wish to use a computer call the STAR Hotline at 518-457-2036 M-F 8:30AM to 4:30PM.
STAR Flyer
(435 KB)
Local Law #1 of 2023
The Town Board of the Town of New Baltimore does hereby establish the following sliding scale of property tax exemptions for real property owned by persons sixty-five (65) years of age or over and for real property owned by a person with a disability whose income is limited by such disability, and used as the legal residence of such person, based on the income limits set forth below:
Maximum Income Limit Property Tax Exemption
$34,000.00 50%
$34,000.01-$34,999.99 45%
$35,000.00-$35,999.99 40%
$36,000.00-$36,999.99 35%
$37,000.00-$37,899.99 30%
$37,900.00-$38,799.99 25%
$38,800.00-$39,699.99 20%
$39,700.00-$40,599.99 15%
$40,600.00-$41,499.99 10%
$41,500.00-$42,399.99 5%
pdf Senior Citizen Tax Exemtion Notice (19 KB) was sent out by the office of Govenor Hochel to all property owners in NYS to inform everyone of the Senior Exemption.
Grievance Day: Wednesday May 28, 2025 From 4PM - 8PM
Grievance Application: Application Link
All applications are due on or before Grievance Day
BAR Members: Carol McBride, Ellsbeth Finke, Bernard Jones, Lynn Taylor, Faye VanDyke
Dear Property Owners:
An application and instructions (RP-524) are REQUIRED to file a Grievance on your assessment. Please download the form and file out. This form should be returned to the Assessor’s office no later than May 22, 2025. The Town of New Baltimore Board of Assessment Review convenes on Wednesday May 28, 2024. We are requesting you to contact the Assessor’s office to schedule an appointment. If you do not schedule an appointment in advance, walk-ins are welcome, but you must wait until the first available appointment to be heard. Please be aware Grievance Day is scheduled from 4:00pm to 8:00 pm. Each appointment will be no longer than 10 minutes. The hearing will be held at the Town Hall.
Board of Assessment Review members are appointed by the Town Board, attend training, and reside in the Town of New Baltimore.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the office.
Dawn DeRose-Assessor
Register To Vote
You may register to vote at the following locations:
Greene County Elections Board Catskill - 518-719-3550
Department of Motor Vehicles Catskill - 518-719-3280
located in the Court House in Catskill or on certain announced days in October at New Baltimore polling places.
Registration forms are also available at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Polling Places
District 1:
Cornell Hook and Ladder Firehouse
Gill Road, New Baltimore
North Line: Albany -Greene County boundary.
East Line: Hudson River south to New Baltimore-Coxsackie town line.
South Line: Along New Baltimore-Coxsackie town line from the Hudson River west to Conrail railroad tracks.
West Line: From New Baltimore-Coxsackie town line, north along the Conrail railroad tracks to Albany-Greene County boundary.
District 2:
New Baltimore Town Hall
County Route 51, Hannacroix
North Line: Albany-Greene County Boundary.
East Line: From the intersection of Conrail railroad tracks with Albany-Greene County boundary south along Conrail railroad tracks to the intersection of said railroad tracks and NYS Route 144.
South Line: From the intersection of the Conrail Railroad tracks and NYS Route 144: westerly along NYS Rt.144 to US Rt 9W; thence south along US Rt 9W to its intersection with Greene Co Rt 51; thence west along Rt 51 to its junction with Greene Co. Rt 54; thence southwest along Greene County Rt 54 to a point where Greene County Rt 54 intersections High Mount Road.
West Line: From the intersection of Greene County Rt 54 and High Mount Road; north along High Mount Road (including all homes fronting on High Mount Road) to School Hill Road; continuing north along School Hill Road (including all homes fronting on School Hill Road) to its junction with Greene County Rt 51; thence west along Greene County Rt 51 to its intersection with an unnamed stream (approx. 2,000' west of School Hill Road); thence north along unnamed stream to the Albany-Greene County boundary.
District 3:
Medway-Grapeville Firehouse
County Route 51, Medway
North Line: Albany-Greene County boundary.
East Line: From the intersection of the New Baltimore-Coxsackie Town line and Limekiln Road; north along Limekiln Road (excluding all homes fronting Limekiln Road which are in district 4) to the intersection with Reservoir Road; northwest on Reservoir Road (excluding all homes on Reservoir Road in District 4) to Greene County Rt 54; thence east along Greene county Rt 54 to its junction with High Mount Road; north along High Mount Road excluding all homes fronting on High Mount Road in District 2) to School Hill Road; continuing north along School Hill Road (excluding all homes fronting on School Hill Road in District 2) to its junction with Greene County Rt 51; thence west along Greene County Rt 51 to its intersection with an unnamed stream (approx. 2,000' west of School House Road); thence north along unnamed stream to the Albany-Greene county Boundary.
South Line: New Baltimore-Coxsackie town line.
West Line: New Baltimore-Greenville town line.
District 4:
New Baltimore Town Hall
County Route 51, Hannacroix
North Line: From the intersection of the Conrail Railroad tracks and NYS Rt 144; westerly along NYS Rt 144 to US Rt 9W; thence south along US Rt 9W to its intersection with Greene County Rt 51; thence west along Greene County Rt 51 to its junction with Greene County Rt 54; thence southwest along Greene County Rt 54 to a point where Greene County Rt 54 intersects with Reservoir Road.
East Line: From the intersection of the Conrail railroad tracks with NYS Rt 144; south along the Conrail railroad tracks to the New Baltimore-Coxsackie town line.
South Line: New Baltimore-Coxsackie town line.
West Line: From the intersection of the New Baltimore-Coxsackie Town Line and Limekiln Road; north along Limekiln Road (including all homes fronting Limekiln Road) to its intersection with Reservoir Road; northwest on Reservoir Road (including all homes on Reservoir Road) to Greene County Rt 54.
Town Justices: Hon. James Huff and Hon. Anthony Konsul Jr.
New Baltimore Justice Court
3809 County Route 51
Hannacroix, New York 12087
(518) 756-2079
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Court Office hours are Monday, Wednesday-Friday 10:15 to 2:45.
Town Officials
Jeff Ruso
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(518) 756-9636
(518) 337-9238
Deputy Supervisor
Nick Dellisanti
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Town Board
The Town Board meets the 2nd Monday and 4th Monday of each month at the Town Hall at 7:00 PM
Kelly Downes
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(518) 396-9255
Shelly VanEtten
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(518) 756-3517
Janet Kash
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Debra Sottolano
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Town Board Meeting Minutes Archive
Justice Town Court
Honarable James Huff
Honorable Anthony Konsul Jr.
Deputy Justice Clerks
Lynne Layman-Wallace
Asia Irizarry-Decker
Town Clerk
Barbara Finke
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(518) 756-6671, ext. 5
(518) 756-8880 - Fax
Deputy Town Clerks
Amanda Eldred
Sandra Trombley
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Highway Department
Highway Superintendent
Alan VanWormer
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(518)567-4961 - Cell
Deputy Highway Superintendent
(518) 694-2219 - Cell
(518) 756-2078
(518) 756-3078 Fax
County Highway Dept. 518-943-4600
Tax Collection Office
taxThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(518) 756-6671, ext. 2
Dawn DeRose
Office Hours are Tuesday from 9:00AM-2:00PM
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(518) 756-6671, ext. 8
(518) 756-8880 Fax
Sandra Trombley, Assossor Clerk
Office Hours: Wednesday and Thursday 9:00AM-1:00PM
Building Department
Code Enforcement Officer
Allan Jourdin
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Building, Planning & Zoning Clerk
April Krein
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office (518) 756-6671, ext. 6, 1
Cell (518) 801-6693
Planning Board
Rob VanEtten - Chair (12-31-26)
Robert Court (12-31-26)
Frank Orlando (12-31-24)
Lee Salisbury (12-31-25)
Michelle Stefanik (12-31-25)
Ann Marie Vadney (12-31-26)
Charles Irving (12-31-2026)
April Krein, Clerk
Zoning Board of Appeals
William Boehlke - Chair (12-31-28)
Craig Albano (12-31-24)
Samuel Anderson (12-31-27)
Brad Jourdin (12-31-25)
Jean Horn (12-31-26)
April Krein, Clerk
Dog Control Officer
Sherry Vieta 518-322-9783
Town Historian
Ted Hilscher
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Registrar of Vital Statistics
Barbara Finke
Records Management Officer
Barbara Finke
Greene County Planning Board Member
Jean Horn
Health Officer
Dr. Stephen Hassett
Elected Officials
County Legislator
Pat Linger
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(518) 496-8399
New York State Assembly Representative
Chris Tague
(518) 455-5363
Room 927 LOB
Albany, NY 12248
New York State Senator
Michelle Hinchey
(518) 455-2350
46th District
Albany Office
809 Legislative Office Building, Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12247
United States Congress Representative
Antonio Delgado
(202) 225-5614
United States Senators
Charles E. Schumer
322 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-6542
(202)228-3027 Fax
Kirsten Gillibrand
478 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-4451
(202) 228-0282 Fax
How to Contact your lawmakers
Kathy Hochul
State Capitol
Albany, NY 12224
Office of the State Comptroller
110 State Street
Albany, NY 12236
Phone: 518-474-4044
Office of the Attorney General
Attorney General
Letitia James
Office of the Attorney General
The Capital
Albany, NY 12224-0341
Town Hall
Town Hall hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00am - 4:00pm.
The Town Hall is located on County Route 51, approximately 1 mile west of Route 9W. The Town Clerk's Office is located at the Town Hall. Certified copies of birth/death certificates, copies of zoning laws and ordinances, hunting and fishing licenses, and dog licenses are available at the Clerk's Office.
Town Board
The Town Board holds regular monthly meetings on the 2nd Monday of the month, and a work session on the 4th Monday of the month. Meetings begin at 7:00 pm, and are held at the Town Hall, and are open to the public.
Find meeting minutes in the Town Documents archive.
Appointed Committees
Planning Board
Established in 1972, the Planning Board consists of seven members with 3 year terms.
The Planning Board holds regular monthly meetings on the second Thursday of the month. Meetings begin at 7:00pm, and are held at the Town Hall.
pdf Map of New Baltimore (253 KB)
- Rob VanEtten, Chair (12-31-26)
- Robert Court (12-31-26)
- Frank Orlando (12-31-24)
- Lee Salisbury (12-31-25)
- Michelle Stefanik (12-31-25)
- Ann Marie Vadney (12-31-25)
- Charles Irving (12-31-26)
- April Krein, Clerk
Find meeting minutes in the Town Documents archive.
The Zoning Board of Appeals
Established in 1977, the Zoning Board of Appeals consists of five members with 5 year terms.
The Zoning Board of Appeals holds monthly meetings on the first Wednesday of the month, if applications come before the board.
- William Boehlke,Chair (12-31-28)
- Craig Albano (12-31-24)
- Brad Jourdin (12-31-25)
- Jean Horn (12-31-26)
- Samuel Anderson (12-31-27)
- April Krein, Clerk
Find meeting minutes in the Town Documents archive.
Board of Assessment Review
All property owners who are required to pay property taxes are eligible for a review of their property assessment fro the Board of Assessment Review (BAR). After the filing of the tentative tax roll on May 1, it is recommended that you first discuss any questions regarding your assessment with the Assessor. If you are still dissatisfied, you have the right to file a formal complaint with your Board of Assessment Review by the filing deadline. All grievances before the Board of Assessment Review are by appointment only. Grievance Day is usually set for the 4th Tuesday in May.
- Donna Degnen 9/30/24
- Beth Finke 9/30/23
- Bernie Jones 9/30/27
- Lynn Taylor 9/30/26
- Faye VanDyke 9/30/25
For further information on how your assessments visit: New York State Board of Real Property Services www.orps.state.ny.us
Town Offices
3809 County Route 51
Hannacroix, NY 12087
Phone: (518) 756-6671
Ext. 2: Tax Office
Ext. 4: Town Court
Ext. 5: Town Clerk: Barb Finke
Ext. 6: Building/Panning/Zoning: April Krein
Ext. 7: Town Supervisor: Jeff Ruso
Ext. 8: Assessor: Dawn DeRose
Fax: (518) 756-8880
Code Enforcement Officer Allan Jourdin Cell #: (518) 801-6693
Highway Superintendent
Alan VanWormer
Phone: (518) 756-2078
Fax: (518) 756-3078
Town Court
Phone: (518) 756-2079
Justice Huff
Justice Konsul
Court Clerk: Lynne Layman-Wallace & Asia Irizarry-Decker
Greene County Sheriff
Phone: (518) 756-3300
Dog Control Officer
Sherri Vieta
Phone: 518-322-9783