The Freedom of Information Law provides rights of access to records reflective of governmental decisions and policies that affect the lives of every New Yorker. However an agency does not have to create a new document in order to provide the individual the requested information.
A Records Access application is filled out by the individual requesting the information. If possible you should supply dates, titles, file designations, or any other information that will help find requested records.
Within 5 business days of the receipt of a written request for a record reasonably described, the agency must furnish a written acknowledgement of receipt of the request. Within 20 business days the agency must make the record available, deny access in writing giving the reasons for denial, or provide a statement of the approximate date when the request will be granted or denied.
Copies-$.25 per page
A fee for copying other records may be charged based upon the actual cost of reproduction.
document Download Freedom of Information Request Law form (54 KB)
Clerk's Office
The Town Clerk's Office at Town Hall is open Monday-Friday from 9 AM-4 PM. Availability by appointment on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month, from 5:30 PM until the start of the Board Meeing at 7 PM. Other times also by appointment.
We are starting to make town forms available online. If you do not find the form you are looking for, please call the Town Clerk’s Office to request a copy.
Town Clerk: Barbara Finke
Deputy Town Clerks - Marjorie Loux, Amanda Eldred, and Sandra Trombley
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3809 County Route 51
Hannacroix, NY 12087
Phone: 518-756-6671, Ext. 5
Fax: 518-756-8880
For Town Board Meeting Agendas or Minutes, please check our folder Town Documents archive .
Town Code
- Town Board Meeting Minutes. Copies available upon request
Town Budget.Copies available upon request - Town Codes
- Freedom of Information
- Death Records
- Genealogy Records & Resources
- NYS Department of Health
- Vital records registration started in the Town of New Baltimore for Births, Deaths, and Marriages in 1882. Generally, the Town of New Baltimore provides uncertified copies of the following types of records for genealogy research purposes.
DOH 1562 (Genealogical Request Form)
(95 KB)
Birth certificates - if on file for at least 75 years and the person whose name is on the birth certificate is known to be deceased.
Death certificates - if on file for at least 50 years.
Marriage certificates - if on file for at least 50 years and both spouses are known to be deceased.
- Dog License All dogs over four months in age and any dog that is off the owner's premises regardless of age in New York State must be licensed (N.Y.S. Department of Agriculture and Markets Law). New dogs over 4 months need to be licensed within thirty days of obtaining the dog. To obtain a license, bring or mail a current rabies vaccination and (if applicable) a neuter/spay certificate to the Town Clerk's office. A license obtained in the Town of New Baltimore must be renewed once each year, due the same month that it was originally obtained. Licenses (with few exceptions) must be on the dog at all times. Not only is this the law, but it is the best way we can find the owner of a lost dog.
- Fishing License
- Hunting License
- Marriage License For information on getting married in New York please visit the NYS Dept of Health website:
Permits - Helpful links and PDF Files available for download
- pdf Owner consent form (56 KB)
- pdf Building Permit Application (147 KB)
- document Demolition Permit Application (63 KB)
- pdf Workers Comp (390 KB)
- pdf Building Department Construction Details (115 KB)
- pdf Plot Diagram (140 KB)
- pdf Set Back Diagram (36 KB)
- pdf Fee Resolution (111 KB)
- pdf Septic Systems Professionally Engineered (26 KB)
- pdf Handicapped Parking Permit (137 KB)
- pdf Handicapped Parking Permit Instructions (44 KB)
- pdf NY Absentee Ballot (574 KB)
Fire & Ambulance
Emergency number for the hearing impaired: 1-800-342-4357
Hudson Valley Poison Center: 1-800-336-699
Emergency Services Questionnaire - March 2011
Town-wide Recorded Emergency Phone Number: 518-756-6600
The Town has established a RECORDED emergency information phone number as part of the update to the Town Emergency Response Plan. If there is an extreme weather situation, a very large accident or another type of LARGE emergency event, you can dial 756-6600 to learn if there are any specific instructions for you to follow as a resident of the Town.
Do not confuse this number with 911; only a recorded message will be found on 756-6600, you cannot leave a message or ask for help. If there is a busy signal, just dial again in a few minutes.
Emergency Management
Officer: Alan VanWormer
Home phone: 518 756-7685
Cell Phone: 518 567-4961
Fax: 518-756-8965
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fire Departments (non emergency)
Cornell Hook & Ladder
High Rock Road Police 518-756-2045
Cornell Hook & Ladder
Gill Road 518-756-8222
Medway Grapeville
Route 51 518-731-8527
Greene County Sheriff/New Baltimore Satellite Substation 518-756-3300
State Police/Coxsackie Satellite 518-731-2333
oison Control Center 1-800-222-1222
Dog ControPl Officer
Sherry Vieta: 518-322-9783
Non-Emergency numbers
Back up number for all Fire & Ambulance 518-622-3643
For personal Ambulance services, please see the Yellow Pages.
Coxsackie 12051
27-39 Reed Street
Hannacroix 12087
US Route 9W
New Baltimore 12124
State Route 144
West Coxsackie 12192
270 Mansion Street
Earlton 12058
US Route 81
Located adjacent to the New Baltimore Highway Garage on Rt. 51
Hours: Wednesdays and Saturdays 8AM-12PM
Items Accepted | Fee Per item |
Batteries | free |
Cans- tin, aluminum | free |
Cardboard | free |
Clothing (white bin near recycle shed) | free |
Glass jars and bottles (no window glass) | free |
Magazines | free |
Metal | free |
Newspapers | free |
Phone books | free |
Plastic (not plastic that breaks when crushed) | free |
..Also | |
Tires up to and incl 16” w/o rim - | $4.00 |
Tires up to and incl 16” w/rim - | $5.00 |
Tires larger than 16” w/o rim - | $15.00 |
Town Offices
3809 County Route 51
Hannacroix, NY 12087
Phone: (518) 756-6671
Ext. 2: Tax Office
Ext. 4: Town Court
Ext. 5: Town Clerk: Barb Finke
Ext. 6: Building/Panning/Zoning: April Krein
Ext. 7: Town Supervisor: Jeff Ruso
Ext. 8: Assessor: Dawn DeRose
Fax: (518) 756-8880
Code Enforcement Officer Allan Jourdin Cell #: (518) 801-6693
Highway Superintendent
Alan VanWormer
Phone: (518) 756-2078
Fax: (518) 756-3078
Town Court
Phone: (518) 756-2079
Justice Huff
Justice Konsul
Court Clerk: Lynne Layman-Wallace & Asia Irizarry-Decker
Greene County Sheriff
Phone: (518) 756-3300
Dog Control Officer
Sherri Vieta
Phone: 518-322-9783